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What is Ananda Marga Yoga?

ananda marga yoga is tantra yoga

Elements of Ananda Marga Yoga

This page will provide some standard answers to the questions we get as yoga educators about what characterises Ananda Marga’s Yoga among all other modern yoga schools.

Ananda Marga Yoga in its essence is tantra yoga. So this will be emphasized and explained. Further, Ananda Marga yoga practices and lifestyle provide a very comprehensive package with many elements. Each of these have their characteristics, some of which are unique compared to other schools of yoga.

Please bare with us as this website is under construction. More content will be added, and meanwhile, feel free to send us any text or resources that you think might be helpful – thanks!

Astaunga Yoga+

The Ananda Marga tantra yoga practices cover all eight limbs of astaunga yoga PLUS a strong social responsibility provided by the foundation of Neo-humanism and principles of PROUT...

Bhakti yoga

The ultimate goal of Ananda Marga yoga is union, and the most direct way to that goal is through grace and the cultivation of devotion (bhakti yoga).
Kiirtan, meditation, guru puja and guru sakash are key devotional practices in Ananda Marga yoga...

Yoga ásanas

Anandamurti mentions five reasons for the practice of Ásanas:

1. To increase the flexibility of the body. 
2. To balance hormones and glans. 
3. To balance the body and mind. 
4. To withdraw the mind from negativeity. 
5. To prepare the mind for subtler meditation.

Jinana Yoga: Ananda Marga Philosophy & Cosmology

Here we will explain the fundamental ideas of Brahma Cakra, and elementary Ananda Marga philosophy...

Yama & Niyama

Ananda Marga yoga lifestyle, includes following the guidelines of yama (duty/ observances, what to do) and niyama (restraints, what not to do), as well as a vegetarian sattvik diet and....

Karma yoga:
Seva /service

Self-realisation and service for humanity go hand-in-hand.


Frequently Asked Questions

We are doing our best. It will continue to improve more and more…

Answer coming soon (Baba’s definition of yoga and more…)

In Ananda Marga Yoga, “tantra” is understood as…

There are two ways of teaching and learning Ananda Marga Yoga: The main one follows the tantric tradition where yogic practices are taught via personal instruction (only from an acarya). Secondly, Ananda Marga Yoga is taught in public classes, modified…*** (by acaryas and other qualified Ananda Marga Yoga Educators). Read more about the different ways of learning AM yoga…

An acarya is someone who leads and teaches by example… An acarya is most commonly a monk or nun, but in the Ananda Marga tradition there are also “family acaryas

(A short answer and then link to the page that gives more details about bio-psychology and cakras)

(A short answer and then link to the page that gives more details about bio-psychology and cakras)

(A short answer that, yes, women can continue or learn certain yogic practices such as meditation and breathing exercises, but asanas should be practiced with caution and not*** ….and then link to the page about asanas during pregnancy)

(A short answer and then link to the page that gives more details about bio-psychology and cakras)

(A short answer and then link to the page about Ananda Marga Yoga)

In the Ananda Marga yoga system, asana is defined as a mostly physical exercise that is
performed twice a day which supports the all-round physical health. The ultimate goal of the
asana practice is to minimize and/or cure physical, behavioral, and/or psychological ailments that
may cause discomfort for meditation practice or interfering with yogic lifestyle goals. On the
journey towards unification with the Supreme, one should remember that the absence of a proper
balance will harm not only the individuals, but also the society as a whole.

Ānanda Mārga Pracāraka Saṃgha is the official name of the organization for the propagation of Ānanda Mārga, “The Path of Bliss”. It “is a world-wide socio-spiritual organisation founded in Jamalpur, Bihar, India, in 1955 by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. [Ānanda Mārga] is also the name of the philosophy and life-style propounded by Sarkar, described as a practical means of personal development and the transformation of society. It is established in more than 180 countries across the world.” (from Wikipedia)


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