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26th October 2024

The ‘Shine Brighter with Yoga Practices’ international AMAYE Global Online Conference took place on October 26, 2024. This 5-hour conference had approximately 175 participants from around the world. Below are short summaries of every presentation except ‘Situating Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar’s Biopsychology, Part 2’ which we were unable to secure permission to record.


Biopsychology of Yama & Niyama

Rudramohan of Taipei spoke of the effectiveness of Yama and Niyama practices. He detailed how these practices affect the nervous and endocrine gland system as well as how the behavior & personal attitudes can be impacted. Rudramohan tied these components of Yama & Niyama to individual chakras that may assist when trying to design an improvement plan for better personal balance in children or adults.


Making the Best Use of Mantra, Chakra, and Visualization in Meditation.

Dada Krsnsevananda who resides at the Ananda Gaorii Conference and Retreat Center in Denmark emphasizes how the yoga asana practice influences the emotional/mental states that dominate the mind. Dada shared many visualization strategies for improving meditation and other yoga practices.


 The Role of Yoga on our Nerves and Hormones

This presentation was facilitated by Didi Ananda Sainjana of Singapore. The tools that are at our disposal in the Ananda Marga Yoga System including Asana (a slow & mindful practice), Breathwork, and other yoga techniques promote better all-round health. A great powerpoint!


Prama: Anandamurti’s Balance Asanas

Pashupati of North Carolina in the U.S. demonstrates quite a few balance postures. He specifies the therapeutic benefits of each asana.