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The Mystical Dance: Kaoshikii

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As someone who loves to dance, I was thrilled when I heard that we were going to learn a yoga dance from the “man in orange” who is always proper and composed.

Shukra & Reclaiming the Lymph

by Christian Franceschini (An excerpt from The Neohumanist Journal, 3/24 Issue) Shukra was known as the essence of the essence of physico-pscho-spiritual vitality.  The holy centre known as the site of extraordinary vitality is conducive to the achievement of all perfection (siddhis). “It subdues sins and destroys ailments.” (Yogasvashista) Neohumanist founder, Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar gives us a different definition of shukra: “The food taken… Read More »Shukra & Reclaiming the Lymph

The Biopsychology of the Body-Mind

An excerpt from The Science of Yoga Asana by Rudramohan The relation between the physical body and the mind is very close. – P. R Sarkar Yoga has always looked upon the body as part of the mind, and called it the Anamaya kosa, meaning ‘the layer of the mind made of food’. The role of thoughts in affecting the body and how the body… Read More »The Biopsychology of the Body-Mind