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Meditation for Adults

A Story from the Life of P. R. Sarkar: A Garden Story

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In Anandamurti’s home in Calcutta, before going for his morning walk, every day he would look at all the plants. The woman who was taking care of the plants told me that one day he went on to the roof and was looking at one plant which had a small flower. 

Some Pointers for Teaching Meditation to Adults

Sit in a comfortable position.Disconnect your senses from the external world.Create a relaxing mental nature landscape.Focus your awareness on breathing in and breathing out. Concentrate on something greater than yourself: Your Inner Voice or The Great. Superimpose Baba Nam Kevalam on the rhythm of the breath.Baba Nam Kevalam means that Great One which is the nearest and dearest to you, or Love is All There… Read More »Some Pointers for Teaching Meditation to Adults

The Neohumanist Practice of Walking Meditation. Walk for all beings.

For the next time you are forest bathing or walking in the woods or walking around town. Try this. Walking meditation can be practiced alone or with a small group in the park. When practicing in this way, everyone is silent and walking in single file. It is designed to synchronize body and mind while in nature. If you are not one to sit and… Read More »The Neohumanist Practice of Walking Meditation. Walk for all beings.

An Irish Blessing

May the road rise to meet your feet.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again
May the Supreme hold you in the palm of his hand.

The Tale of the Two Wolves

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A grandfather was talking with his grandson, and he told him of the two wolves that live inside each one of us. They are always at war with each other. One is a good wolf who is kind brave, and loving. The other is a bad wolf who is greedy, mean, and fearful. The grandson thinks of what his grandfather has spoken and then he… Read More »The Tale of the Two Wolves

Ya Never Know

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Long ago there lived a farmer and his son. The boy worked hard on his father’s farm and one day he happened to capture a strong, beautiful wild horse. All the neighbors told the farmer how fortunate he was. The farmer replied, “Ya never know.” He looked at the distant mountain and he smiled. The boy spent his days tending to the farm and the… Read More »Ya Never Know

The Starfish

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One day a woman was walking along a beach.  The entire beach was littered with hundreds of starfish who had been washed up by the tides because of a fearsome storm that had happened the night before.  Every time she came to a starfish, she picked it up, and threw it back into the ocean. After a while, her friend who had been watching and… Read More »The Starfish

Spiritual stories for adults

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The Hummingbird & the Elephant Once upon a time, an elephant was walking down a road in a great jungle in south-eastern China when, suddenly, he saw a tiny hummingbird in the middle of the road. The bright little bird was motionless, belly up, with her tiny legs stretched toward the sky. She was so little that the elephant had almost stepped on her.          ‘Is… Read More »Spiritual stories for adults