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Becoming One with the World

 Where I live, there is an expression in the sport of baseball when someone strikes an extraordinary ‘home run’ which can mean winning a number of team points in the game. A VERY GOOD THING! It is the action of hitting a ball ‘out of the park’ that is amazing which is precisely what Kathleen Kesson has done with her newly published extensive book: Becoming One with the World. This long-awaitededucational foundation for neohumanist education addresses diverse social, ecological, humanitarian, and political questions in every education topic taught in our schools today. Every subject is transformed with concrete examples of making an educational topic infused with neohumanist ideals. This publication arises from the need for a futuristic educational model centered on the well-being of all that is in the world.

Becoming One with the World advances the spiritual wisdom of ecological cooperation and deeper understandings, building a more harmonious world society. She gives us a panoramic view of what this can look like. While the target audience may be most beneficial for parents and educators in search of a more holistic and environmentally inclusive educational approach, the expansive insights of this gem will delight all who cast their eyes on its pages.

This endeavor guides us toward frontiers of learning that embrace the highest level of a more compassionate humanity, making the journey of heartfelt education, an adventure of experiencing this life on Mother Earth with new visions with a greater perspective of spiritual ecological and practical wisdom in our hearts. The following is a list of the contents.


Neohumanism: A Philosophy of Education for Our Time. The Development of a Neohumanist Educator. Reconceptualizing Child Development.

The Science of Learning.

Healing the World: Decolonizing Education.

Contemplative Inquiry: The Art of Knowing the Child. 


Curriculum Theory and Design for a Neohumanist Future.

The Art of Teaching. Arts-Based Learning at the Center.

Multiple Literacies: The Role of Language and Story in Neohumanist Education.

Visual Art and Emergence: Bringing Worlds into Being.

The Superpower of Music.

Neohumanist Education and the “Lively Arts”: Integrating Creative Movement Across the Curriculum.

Neohumanist Education and the “Lively Arts”: Integrating Creative Drama Across the Curriculum.

Teaching Ashtanga Yoga to Children.

Studying the Social World: Towards a Neohumanist Future.

Rethinking STEAM for the Anthropocene

Part I: Science and the Modern World. Rethinking STEAM for the Anthropocene 

Part II: Towards a Neohumanist STEAM Pedagogy. 

Becoming One with the World, A Guide to Neohumanist Educationby Kathleen Kesson

can be ordered from: for around $62.00 or for around $73.00